Did you know that right now, there are thousands of people all around the world living in shipping container houses?
Their home may be a single-container tiny house, an architectural masterpiece with a dozen or more containers, or a mammoth apartment building with hundreds of containers. Regardless, there are examples of container homes of every shape and size…and We know how to do it right!
What about the hundreds of companies with hip offices and retail locations made out of containers? This includes everything from cafes and restaurants to corporate headquarters and design studios.
And let’s not forget some of the more novel uses of containers, like swimming pools, medical clinics, emergency shelters, and even indoor hydroponic farms.
The point is, Hybrid Cargotecture (shipping container architecture) is clearly a popular niche in the world of architectural design. Perhaps you’re curious about why people seem to be gravitating towards these steel boxes?
It turns out that there are a ton of great reasons to use shipping containers as a building medium, including their affordability, flexibility, sustainability, and more!
At Hybrid Cargotecture, we share our passion for shipping container projects by inspiring, teaching, and equipping others to get started on building or buying one of their own!
Ask us a question - To obtain further details or to build please feel free to contact our customer service, You can call us on our hotline +94 76 332 8888 or email enquiries@hybridcargotecture.com